Mac android studio sdk
Mac android studio sdk

mac android studio sdk

You can skip the optional sections relating to Eclipse. Install the Android SDKįollow the instructions in Installing the SDK. Download and unpack the latest Android SDK. On your PC, go to the Android Developer SDK website.

mac android studio sdk

The Xamarin Android SDK Manager is not compatible with Visual Studio 2015.Whether you’re building an Android application in Unity or programming it from scratch, you need to set up the Android SDK (software development kit) before you can build and run any code on your Android device.

  • Java Development Kit 8 (the JDK 9 is not supported yet inXamarin.Android).
  • Xamarin for Visual Studio version 4.5.0 or later.
  • (I’ll suggest you to use the latest version 15.6) Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5 or later is required.
  • Visual Studio 2017 community edition or higher.
  • So I really suggest you to download it.As stated in the official Xamarin website, the requirements are: I really don’t know why, but I know that the Xamarin Android SDK Manager is a very good tool. As you know is very important to keep your system updated and this of course is valid for the Android SDK.You should alway use the lasted available Android components.The Official Xamarin Documentation is not very clear on how to configure properly the Android SDK, so here is what you should do to obtain the best from your Xamarin.Android projects.First of all you should really install the Xamarin Android SDK Manager instead of the classic SDK Manager.Probably the most important reason to do so is that since version 25.2.3 of the Android SDK Tools package, Google replaced the UI Manager with a command line utility.

    Mac android studio sdk